Thanks to our loyalty program, earn BDP on your Swiss Franc to Euro conversions
Your loyalty is rewarded, earn up to CHF 285/year
Save even more with
Ben S. Digital Rewards

Be a winner all the way!
In addition to the best exchange rates, earn BDPs
To thank our clients for their loyalty, we have created the Ben S. Digital Rewards programme allowing them to earn BDPs, which will be accumulated and convertible into Swiss Francs on their next digital transactions

Welcome BDPs
(when registering)
Your birthday

Referral programme

Loyalty points
(depending on your transaction volumes)
Your verified review
The principle is simple
1 BDP = 1 CHF
(Use your BDPs for your next transactions)Loyalty equals even greater rewards

How to get BDPs?
Welcome/Register for the BDC platform
Client birthday
Give your opinion *
Calendar year loyalty volume **
- 30'000 - 49'999.99
- 50'000 - 69'999.99
- 70'000 - 99'999.99
- 100'000 - 150'000
- 5
- 10
- 15
- 20
- 10
- 15
- 20
- 30
Referral programme
- Referrer
- Referred person
- 40
- 30
- 50
- 30
unique: only once regardless of the number of comments entered
Volume is counted against transactions processed in the calendar year:
- the transaction was made without using points or a special offer code
- the transaction is < CHF 50,000
They chose Ben S. Digital Change and share their experience
Start now
How do you use your BDPs?
To find out how to use your BDPs, simply go to loyalty programme section of your client area
Earn my first BDPs
Manon benefits from
CHF 285
in addition to the best rates thanks to Ben S. Digital Rewards!
Do you have any questions?
Here are the 5 most common questions: